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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How Do I...?

That's the question of the day. The more I blog, the less I seem to know about blogging. After feeling a little discouraged, I decide to scour the web for tips on creating a better blog. This is what I found:

  • There are alot of websites out there that tell you where you can blog, how you can blog and why you should blog.

  • There are alot of links to websites that tell you the best ways to blog.

  • There are alot of blogs out there.

What I didn't find were useful tips on making your blog the best it can possibly be. This seems to be one of those areas where you've either "got it" or you don't "got it." Please excuse the grammar. In desparation, I decided that I would read as many blogs as I could and then decide for myself what seems to make a good blog.

After hours of reading one blog after another, this is what I came up with:

  • You have to write about what you know. If you try to fake it, your readers will know. People can pick up on a fake, even over the internet. In other words, be sure you know what you're talking about before you open your big mouth.

  • If you are going to ask for comments from your readers, find a way to acknowledge participation to keep readers engaged. No one enjoys being ignored after they've taken the time to respond to a post. After all, how do you feel when you post to your blog night after night and never receive even one comment. Not even a resounding, "You suck!" Acknowledge your readers!!!

  • Link to other bloggers who share your values, beliefs, interests, etc. This just makes sense. There's strength in numbers. The more people you can find who share your distorted views about life, the better. Eventually, you can form your own cult. Think about the possibilities.

  • Don't cut off your nose to spite your face...or something like that. What I mean to say is that even if you hate someone, remember that that person has a fan base somewhere and that some of those fans might also be your fans. Is it really necessary to go after someone full throttle simply for the sake of getting attention? Well, sure...but is it necessary to fill your blog with hateful passages that leave your readers upset and angry. No. It really isn't, so, go easy on Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton and even Rosie O, they've got feelings, too.

  • Promote yourself, but try not to get tunnel vision. Readers can only hear so much about that one short story you published three years ago. For God's sake, keep it fresh and pertinent to what's happening today. If you're not making new things happen, then try not to draw attention to how stale your product has become by constantly talking up the same ten pages of story.

  • Learn something...and then tell people how you found it, how you learned it, and how you feel about having found it and learned it. Pictures work well here. If you learned how to knit a sweater, take some photos of your progress from start to finish and then put some helpful tips on your blog to go with your photos. Show that you are multi-talented, multi-faceted, interesting, damn it.

  • Be gracious. Please and thank you are still acceptable in our culture. Don't forget to thank your readers and to say please when you ask them for participation, suggestions, comments, contest entries, firstborn children, etc.

  • Have fun. That one should be self-explanatory...if it isn't, you might want to scroll back a couple and find someone who can show you how.

That's all I've got, folks. Thank you for listening and by all means, please let me know if you have comments or suggestions for future blogs...I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

Great tips! Thanks for sharing. I'm not looking for a lot of readers, but some hits would be nice. I'll have to think of one of those talk-amongst-yourselves questions. Something fun or thought provoking.

Thanks again!

A Little Bit of Mystery: Short Mysteries to Confuse and Amuse

Where I've Been...

Listen to my interview on the Jeffery S. Miller show.

Listen to my interview on Calling All Authors.

Listen to my interview on the Let's Just Talk w/Kathryn Raaker.

Listen to my interview on Radio Free Baxter.

Where I'll Be...

After a short break in the summer, I'll be at the following locations:

8/11/09 Allen Park Public Library, Allen Park, MI 6:30 p.m.

Looking for something entertaining for your library or bookstore patrons? Looking for a fun way to spend a couple of hours? Do you love mysteries? Then you need to schedule a Tea & Mystery event for your library or bookstore! The fee is minimal and the presentation is fun and informative! Attendees will be given the chance to win great prizes and share their thoughts about the mystery genre and their favorite mystery writers!

E-mail me today at for details on how to set up your Tea & Mystery event!

Books by Rebecca Benston

Reviews for Rebecca Benston

“You'll find yourself looking forward to more stories from the files of Rona Shively.”

Michelle Shealy, Reviewer for


“Rebecca Benston has written a detective with plenty of suspense…I hope there will be a sequel…”

Annick, Reviewer for Euro-Reviews


“The story is good, the plotting great. Rebecca Benston draws you into the story from the first page. Read the book.”

Lucille P. Robinson, An Alternative Read


“Rebecca Benston’s twists, turns, and descriptions are utterly engaging.”

Tracy, Fallen Angel Reviews


“In The Wash is like a 1930’s film noir detective story that had a modern, edgy twist and a female lead.”

Janet Davies, Once Upon a Romance Reviews


“Under Lock and Key is an enjoyable, fun book! Rona Shively is a delightful character. I loved her off-beat, quirky personality and her outstanding sense of humor.”

Connie Harris,


“Talented author Rebecca Benston shows the reader just how complicated life can get suddenly and how people you thought you knew, aren't who you thought they were.”

Anne K. Edwards,